If you have any concerns regarding your privacy, please contact the NZTA Privacy Team at the address set out below. NZTA may
require proof of your identity before being able to provide you with any personal information.
The Privacy Team
NZ Transport Agency
Private Bag 6995
Wellington 6141
Email privacy@nzta.govt.nz
Privacy Commissioner: If you are not satisfied with our response to any privacy-related concern you may have, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner:
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
PO Box 10-094
Wellington, New Zealand
Phone: 04 474 7590
Enquiries Line (from Auckland): 302 8655
Enquiries Line (from outside Auckland): 0800 803 909
Fax: 04 474 7595
Email: enquiries@privacy.org.nz
I acknowledge and accept the above terms and conditions on behalf of:
Company name: __________________________
Full name: ________________________________